Welcome to Action on Smoking & Health (ASH)!
Founded in 1979, ASH is one of Canada's leading tobacco control organizations.
Over the years, ASH has provided provincial, national and global leadership in our efforts to reduce and prevent tobacco use in Alberta and beyond.
ASH promotes the use of reasonable and civil strategies to improve our quality of life.
These strategies include:
- Public awareness
- Health advocacy
- Tobacco control programs and research
- Public policy development
- Community mobilization
- Tobacco counter-marketing
ASH is a registered not-for-profit society and a registered charity based in Edmonton, Alberta.
We rely on our members, donors, volunteers and supporters to achieve success.
You can help ASH create a tobacco-free society by making a contribution of time or funding to our organization.
Based on our track record, you can be assured that your investment will help ASH to achieve continued success.